Wednesday 27 April 2011

Annie Machon reveals an interesting point!

In her Blog at she says the following, which indicates the dark way in which our government has worked in the past and reveals it's current viewpoint and agenda as well:

Libya: my enemy's enemy is my friend, until he becomes my enemy again...

UK Prime Minister, David Cameron, reportedly made the startling statement recently that the military intervention in Libya "unlike Iraq, is necessary, legal and right".

Would it not be wonderful if he could take the next logical step towards joined-up thinking and consider sending our esteemed Middle East Peace Envoy, a certain Mr T Blair, over for a spot of porridge at the International Criminal Court in The Hague? After all, Cameron has now clearly implied that the Iraq war was "unnecessary, illegal and wrong".....

In this example we see a slip up where our current government seems to me to admit that going into Iraq was illegal. Not only that, but that the current government appears to have not taken or be planning on taking action to prosecute those involved in this crime against humanity, which killed many innocent people along the way. Yet if you don't pay your UK income tax, watch out, they'll send you to jail! Unless of course you are a big organisation who can jump through loopholes and legally pay less tax than your local corner we have seen to be the case in recently revealed tax data.

Much of what we consume from our "leaders" appears to be "versions" of the truth. The true agenda of policy isn't even known by many of the sheep working in the media, government etc... as Aaron Russo has argued in the past.

It's a dangerous time, perhaps it's always been a dangerous time. I am no hobbyist conspiracy theorist but the following videos are very revealing.

Carroll Quigley was Clinton's mentor and knew about the new world order aims and agendas, he didn't even disapprove of it, but he wrote a book called Tragedy and Hope, A History of the World in our Time which we all ought to know about if we are interested in current affairs. I learnt about this from the Killing JOke singer Jaz Coleman, through good old youtube:

Aaron Russo reveals how his friend Nick Rockefeller wanted to include him in such NWO aims, and how Russo's sense of Natural Justice and personal liberty railed against such ideas.....

Many times we have seen we cannot trust our politicians and government, it's time to face it.......these people do not have our interests at heart, London is a much more dangerous vulnerable place after we went into Iraq and Blair said any idea that invading Iraq would make us more of a terrorist target was nonsense...does he think we are stupid? Well ermmm..YES, he does...and many of us swallow their bullshit....and even support people like him.

Sadly we are being manipulated into a one world government....our government is overthrowing other countries' governments in our name even when we protest we don't want them to, sometimes illegally without proper sanction, the machine seems unstoppable...we should resist all violations of personal rights, such as RFID implants etc... they operate not in our name and we should speak up about this.

Isn't the world a better place when it has diversity and differing cultures, currencies, ways, etc? Just on this simple level alone I stand against a one world beloved by Brown, Blair, et al

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